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Words with Bev

February 9, 2019:

It has been a long time since I� made some notes in this section.� Again I would like to thank all of you former clients who continue to refer your friends and family.� I now have two offices.� The Orando office has been active since opening the doors.� And, Lake Mary office keeps me more busy.

If you are new to needing legal document preparation services please go to Google and type in Wisdom Consulting, Inc. reviews in Lake Mary and you can take a look at approximately 50 reviews.

The court system remains the same for pro se litigants and in Orange County is has become a little more difficult to anticipate their changes of policies.� I am always adapting to meet the needs of my clients in which ever county they file.



July 5, 2018.� Thank you for helping me to be in my 13th year of business.� Two offices help me to serve more people in Central Florida.

Did you know that www.�wikipedia.com is an online encyclopedia�which can be accessed in several languages? 06/06-01

"Live at least a bit of YOUR DREAM�everydayin everything that you� think, do and say; � then, sit back and enjoy the fulfillment of your heart's desire...� YOUR DREAM coming to pass." 06/29/06-02

"It is better to vote for the better of the two candidates than not to vote at all."�� 09/07/06-03

"If closure is what you truly�want, seek�it with all of your heart."� 05/05/07-04�

"Power� in the wrong hands is detrimental in the short term but,�love�and kindness in the right hands�eventually prevails and �lasts�forever!"� 03/15/08-05"

"Being a trailblazer�and in the midst of the "good ole boy network" takes it's toll, especially within close proximity to it. �Now,�a question to� ponder, "How does one stop doing something which helps the people in the presence of the "gavel"?� To me, the gavel represents the resistance to change as described in Lewin's Theory of Change, hence the true resistance!"� Yes, I am speaking about the proliferation of nonlawyers as�positively addressed by the Florida Supreme Court in regards to Family Law matters."�7/19/08-6

"Sometimes the government�really is interested in helping us in the midst of pressure from special interest associations such as lawyers. Go to www.ftc.gov/os/2008/01/V080004letter.pdf .� The DOJ and FTC�support our freedom to choose!�� I am pleased, you should be as well!�� Please read the conclusion as follows:

����������������������������������������������������� "Conclusion

The choice of whether to use a lawyer or non-lawyer service provider should rest with

the consumer unless it is clear that specialized legal skills or training are required. Lawyer/nonlawyer�competition benefits consumers, particularly when there is no evidence that consumers�have been harmed by non-lawyer service providers. We urge the Court to revise the proposed�rule to preserve competition in service areas for which the knowledge and skill of a lawyer is not�required.

The Justice Department and the FTC thank you for this opportunity to present our views.

We would be pleased to address any questions or comments regarding this letter.

Sincerely yours,

Thomas O. Barnett

Assistant Attorney General"�������������������������

"Thank you Thomas O. Barnett. Faith prevails amidst the so-called powerful!�" �8/20/08 -6)�����

When they say, "I don't want to cut you at your knees."� That is exactly what they want to do.� Yes, I was initially blocked from presenting at the Florida Supreme Court open forum for the public on October 23, 2008, but eventually I was able to give my full presentation when "they" reconsidered after I left the meeting.� What a pity to be given an opporuntuy to speak , then to have it taken away in an instant because "they" really do not want to hear and have on the record exactly what the public has on its mind.� Did you know that The� Florida Bar pays no real estate taxes because it is a quasi� governmental agency as "arm of the Supreme Court" but, is permitted to have a $47 million kitty�as its investment portfolio?� According to a 1980 Legislative Committee�Report those funds are to be public funds because the Supreme Court has no authority to appropriate dollars.� 11/08/2008-7

To My Dear Customers of �2006, 2007, and 2008,������ I just want to say "Thank You" and Merry Christmas to you and your family.��I wish you� a faith-filled and economically strong 2009!��� Bev12/20/2008-8

"Tenacity and Perseverance" are gifts from�God"�� Each�gift has helped� me to prevail in my cause against an Administrative�Judge in Seminole County after almost three years of�enduring his unprofessional abuse.� I am grateful that I did not give up and did not fear the "gavel".�� It too can be tainted when it is in the wrong hands and it was!� Do not fear.� 03/15/2009-9

The Florida Bar can be defeated too when it is duplicitous in its quest.� UPL (unlicensed practice of law) is to protect the public not to protect the pockets of the members of�The Florida Bar.�� For years Certified Public Accountants� (CPA's) were at odds with The Bar were regarding UPL issues.� Who is to say that The Bar was not infringing upon �the CPA profession.� It is all a matter of point of view and reference point.� The Bible has a verse which says "Whoa to you lawyers."�� I have found 7 verses where lawyers are addressed in the Bible. Find the verse and you too will be enlightened.�� Please let me know�you have found them for yourselves.� 03/15/2009-10

Did you know that approximately 2 million people said the Lord's Prayer in harmony at the 2009�Inauguration? I was there as an invited guest; it happened and it was awesome!��� 03/15/2009-11

Hold your attorney accountable for his work.� If you are not satisfied and you are in need of�professional intervention, call ACAP(Attoney Client Assistance Program)�at The Florida Bar at 866/352-0707.� Also, go to The�Florida Bar website� where you will find a wealth of information including the Rules to which members of The Bar must adhere in serving you, the "paying" public.� Be an informed consumer; you will reap the benefits and stop the frustration!� 07/21/2009-12

Did you know that all credit agreements including your credit card agreement must me signed by you?� Does your signature appear on your member service agreement? The statute is call the Banking Statue of Frauds.
�Rules of� Civil Procedure and case law setting precedent are tools of the trade for attorneys.� Your knowledge is your power.� Don't let banks intimadate you in believing that they have an enforceable contract for your credit card debt if you have not signed the contract.� An application for credit is not a credit contract.� This is not intended to be legal advice, consult your attorney for futher information as the statute has been law since 1989!

Did you know that the� Office of the United States Trustee in Orlando Florida recommends that the debtor complete Schedule C (exemptions) in his or her own hand-writing?� If not, unlicensed practice of law (UPL) may become an issue for the bankruptcy non-lawyer petition preparer.�� When your bankruptcy non-lawyer petition preparer tells you that he or she cannot type your exemptions on the form, it is to comply with the United States Bankruptcy Code 11 Section 110.�� 11/2/2009

The Mid Year Florida Bar Meeting was held on January 20-22, 2010 in Orlando,� Florida.� For the first time I felt as though I was heard at

the� Unlicensed Practice of Law (UPL) Committee meeting. Some of the 25-30 UPL Committee Members, mostly members of The Florida Bar and two public members ,� appeared to be actually listening to me and� appeared to respect my position as an Advanced Certified Paralegal.,� Nonlawyer,� Mediator and Bankruptcy Petition Preparer.� Lori Holcomb, Director of UPL� in Tallahassee actually did what she said that she would do a few months ago. Ms. Holcomb� placed my query and supporting documentation on the agenda for discussion,� for this,� I am pleased.� Although my request to change or expand the definition of "paralegal" was denied by� the Committee, I was quite pleased that the Chairman permitted me to speak� directly to the Members� uninterrupted� for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.�� My sincere and respectful thank you to� Ms. Holcomb, Director of UPL� and the Committee Chair� for the opportunity.��������������������� 1/23/2010

Thanks to all of you mediators�who are attorneys�as well as nonlawyers who attended the May 12th, 2010�foreclsoure training pursuant to AOSC09-54.� Your continued support is so appreciated.� Another training is being offered on August�30th. I am�very pleased with the�testimonials of the May 12th attendees that now their peers are coming from different parts of the State where certifcates of completion�are accepted.� It saddens me that Collins Center and AAA has refused to accept certificates�of completion for the Circuits in which they are Program Managers.� Apparently their reputation preceeds them.� I wish I would have known of their "reputation" before I put my faith in "their words" and �"their intentions"� as well as "their actions." Live and learn as it is said.�� 8/10/2010

Continuing education for mediators and lawyers continues to blossom.� I enjoy the positive relationship with the attorneys and mediators I have met since venturing into the educational �arena.� It is a relief for me after a decade of "pain," to move to the next level of peace with the legal profession.� Thanks to all of my attendees and a special thanks to those of you who have already attended more than one program.� I take your positive comments to heart and truely appreciate your acceptance of my profession, a nonlawyer.���Also, I do appreciatate your lovely comments about my college age children, Michael and Tamara who assit me on the training day.��11/4/2010

Oh, �it's time to be verified by google:� googlea06ce50955edec7c.html�

������ STYMIED:�� The Florida Supreme Court wants uniformity for� residential foreclosures in the state.� According to two administrative orders AOSC09-54 and clarification order AOSC10-57, it�still allows relationships between a Chief Judge and a Program Manager to dictate whose foreclosure educational training for circuit mediators will be accepted by the Circuit.� It is my experience that some Circuit Judges �and Program Managers want to keep everything close to the vest which contradicts the statewide uniformity addressed in both AO's.� Why would any Circuit Judge or Program Manager block a trainer who has been accepted in other Circuits as meeting Exhibit 12 of the AO when there are only a few trainers statewide for special foreclosure training in compliance with the AO, there was no judicial discretionary guidelines addressed.��
����� � I guess only the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) can help me with this one..."legally insufficient reason to exclude and vertical failure to supply" is my opinion.� What do you think?������� �
December 9, 2010

As of� late a few more Circuits now accept the training offered by Wisdom Consulting,� Inc.�, though too late now� because the majority of Circuit Mediators are already specially trained per AOSC09-54 and AOSC10-57.� There are still no Florida Bar��or Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) complaints.� I find it interesting to note that the 11th Judicial Circuit (Miami-Dade) selected the Collins Center of Public Policy as its Program Manager and the report signed by Judge palmer of the 5th DCA�to Chief Justice Canady� dated December 28, 2010 shows a 67.8% failure rate denoted as no agreement following the mandated foreclosure mediation.�This Circuit and its relationship with The Collins Center was even part of the pilot program according to the 62 page report.� �It is notable that the Collins Center of Public Policy refused to accept the certificates of Completion issued by my company and still the failure rate in the 11th is very high.�Keep in mind that options to foreclosure include short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure, cash for keys etc.� My question is why these partial or full agreements may not have been memoralized at the request of the plaintiff's attorney (lender's attorney)�.� If pursued and memorialized,� I believe that the failure rate would have been significantly lower and the borrower would have a a memorialized agreement upon which to rely.� Keep in mind that the intent of the AOSC09-54 was to provide a communication pathway between the lender and the borrower because borrower's complained of lack of communication from the lender (servicer).�

this training�appears to have been given�primarily to two trainers�for the whole state and generated approximately $900,000 to�be split between these two foreclosure trainers in less than one year.� That does�not seem fair to me.��

Oh well,� it is hoped that one day I will right a book in retrospect about this whole experience and its relation to the foreclosure atrocity� in Florida.��This is my personal opinion.� 3/2/2011

WOW,� even the Florida Supreme Court appears to less than accountable to� Florida Circuit Mediators in� regards to AOSC09-54 Exhibit 12 and AOSC10-57.� This "opinion of mine" is based upon�� "fairness,� cost, convenience and �freedom to choose "or most importantly the lack thereof� regarding Florida foreclosure training providers.� Chaos or nonaccoutablity at the top means chaos and nonaccoutability at the bottom.� Ironically, a news article in S. FL�March 2011�has reported that Collins Center of Public Policy has been booted from being the Program Manager�from the 11th Judicial Circuit (Miami-Dade).� Ironically,� the Collins Center�was the state's pilot program for residential mortgage foreclosure mediation� program. I sure hope that Fanniemae is aware of this problem with Collins�Center because the representative for Fanniemae told me that it had�contracted with the Collins Center to do pre-suit foreclosure mediation in�Florida.�� Oh, I contacted her and left her a message so I am not sure if she received the recent "booting".
$$$$$$$!��� 3/18/2011

Thank you Chief Judge of the 10th- Training approved finally! �Late entry.
I am very pleased that the Chief Judge in the 10th Judicial� Circuit "heard me" and ask for a review of the Collins Center for the mediation foreclosure training I host pursuant to AOSC09-54... Well, Collins Center ultimately recommended the program as it was and still is in compliance.�Oddly, the effective date is Feb 17, 2011.�Too bad it took so long.� I� plan to proceed with an Intentional Tort claim against Collins Center, AAA, Tal. Bar Assoc. , Palm Beach Bar Assoc.,� Hillsborough Bar Assoc.,�Oasis,� and Mediations Managers for alleged unfair� practice of not accepting certificates of completion.� The claim will include but not limited to alleged misrepresentation�and "verticle restraint of trade".� The complaint will also include Florida Deceptive and Unfair Professional Trade Act� (FDUPTA) claims.� Please note that I wrote each Program Manager in �April, 2011 requesting mediation since we are all mediators. A�draft copy of the complaint� was attached for their consideration,� but none accepted pursuing mediation.� The case will be filed in Complex Business Court in Orange County, Florida. Please take note that�certicates of foreclosure training completion were accepted in� several Circuits since 2010 including the 9th without any delay in compliance with AOSC09-54.�� Please take note that two of the above mentioned Program Managers have now agreed to accept� the certificates but the acceptace date is way past the opportunity for economic gain as 99.9% of the Circuit mediators had already been trained at the time of the acceptance which was months after their review of the program.�� However, I do thank them for eventually accepting the certificates.��I am confident tht Wisdom Consulting, Inc. shall prevail.� ���������������������� May 26, 2011

The action was filed on August 10, 2011, wish me luck! � � � � �Aug. 18, 2011

It is hard to believe that it is almost two years since I have made an entry. �Ironically it is almost two years since I filed the lawsuit against American Arbitration �Assoc., Palm Beach Bar Association, Tallahassee Bar Association, �Mediation Management, Oasis, Thomas H. Bateman III, Collins Center, Hillsborough Bar Foundation , University of South Florida for vertical restraint of trade, intentional interferecce with prospective �economic gain and intentional negligence.� Case No.2011- CA-009876��FSS�607.07401 Shareholders' derivative actions �allows for a shareholder of a corporation to sue, meaning me, but the first trial court , Judge Lauten allowed me to proceed pro se but, Judge Munyon, �the second court judge kicked me out of court, stating that I needed to be represented by an attorney and granted the defendants motion to dismiss. �There was no adjudication of a prevailing party and the order stated that venue was incorrect eventhough American Arbitration Assoc. (AAA) �clearly had an office in Orange County on Robinson Street. �To get the business back in 2010 AAA even �responded to and RFP �to become a Program Manager for foreclosures in the 18th Judicial Circuit County of Brevard stated that they had an office on Robinson doing mediations. �Well, the bottom line is that the 5th DCA and The Florida Supreme refused to give an opinion related to the shareholder derivative action and pro se representation a DIRECT action. �Florida Case Law and National Trends support my position for closely held corporations! �I was really saddened when the JUSTICES of Florida did not provide an opinion for an obvious avoidance of the judiciary to address a shareholder derivative action.
Now, �the attorneys for the defendants want attorney fees from me without a Final Order ever being issued as to the prevailing party. �Thomas H. Bateman III original drafter of the Foreclosure Program signed off �for Chief Justice Quince filed a motion against for UPL. �Funny, on December 19, 2011 I met all 9 defense counsel in person, Judge Lauten was fair, then later that day Chief Justice Canaday terminated the statewide foreclosure program because it was a documented FAILURE!!!! � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �

According to the Miami Herald �Rod Petry former president of Collins Center for Public Policy was removed from his long time position because gross accounting problems in its foreclosure program in Miami/Dade? �He could not account for the discrepancies. Where did all of the money go? �A QUESTION TO PONDER �for the whole statewide foreclosure program endorsed and administratively ordered pursuant to �AOSC09-54. � �AGAIN, WHERE DID ALL OF THE MONEY �$$$ GO and why did all of the statewide training opportunity go to only 2 people? �The training for Florida mediators generated almost $1,000,000 (one million dollars) in a short window of time! ��

Did you know that USF Collaborative affiliated with Greg Firestone as "direct organization" for USF has an offshore account?

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �July �31, 2013

THANK YOU Federal Bankruptcy Judge McEwen for approving the 8 hour mortgage modification training program hosted by Wisdom Consulting, Inc. on September 24, 2013. � It was a very good feeling to be treated fairly in this matter. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � October 24, 2013

December 29, 2015

���� It has been a long time since I have posted here.�� I wish all of my clients and your families a healthy, prosperous, and joy filled 2016.� I have been often asked to do continuing education training for mediators, so I may begin the training in 2016 with a new perspective.

January 2017
Thank you to all of my customers. �This is my 11th year of providing nonlawyer legal documentation services to Florida residents.
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