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      Our company, Wisdom Consulting, Inc., also  d/b/a Accent on Paralegal & Nonlawyer Services was founded in 2003.  Our company is dedicated to helping you to help yourself.  This will be accomplished in the most effective and cost efficient manner, therefore, saving you time and money.    Our goal is to meet both your personal and small business needs.  It would be our pleasure to continue a relationship with you in the future. We understand that each individual or business need is unique.  Keeping this in mind, we customize each service to your specifications in one of two offices located in Lake Mary and Orlando,  Florida.  

      Beverly Gagliardi, the company's president, is well versed in multiple professional areas. She is a current Advanced Certified Paralegal  (NALA designation), Florida Licensed Real Estate Sales Person and Notary Public.  Her educational background includes graduate degrees in business and nursing.  Her graduate level education meshes well with the  paralegal degree.  Beverly graduated with honors from an American Bar Association  (ABA) approved paralegal program. Subsequently,  Beverly earned the coveted  and prestigious designation of Advanced Certified Paralegal  (ACP) designation making Beverly one of 100 ACPs in the United States and one of nineteen in the State of Florida as of 2007.

         In June 2008,  Beverly continued her quest to serve and received her certificate of training from USF Collaborative to become a Florida Supreme Court Family Mediator. She has received her designation as Florida Supreme Court Certified Family  Mediator. To the best of her knowledge and belief she is the first in Florida to earn the prestigious Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator who is also Advanced Certified Paralegal/Nonlawyer and holder of MSN and MBA graduate degrees. 

        Beverly's  quest for excellence is unyielding even in the midst of adversity.This challenge  has been  presented to  her  by the legal profession, specifically The Florida Bar.  Her belief and research related to giving people a choice in relation to access to the court system is supported by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission in  "Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice Comment to the Supreme Court of Hawaii Regarding Proposed Rules Governing the Practice of Law in Hawaii (January 2008) (V080004) - Adobe Reader."  Beverly, still in the midst of adversity on October 23, 2008 at a public forum,  courageously stood up to members of the Supreme Court Task Force regarding The Florida Bar and  the Florida Judiciary. She precisely made her recommendations for improvement known to the members of  the 20 Year Strategic Planning Committee of the Florida Supreme Court.  


            As such,  it is her belief that the first inquiry to success is to  accurately determine the specific "need."   So,  please pinpoint your need and then contact us.  As a nonlawyer company, we would like to serve you today. 

                                       Thank you for visiting our website.

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