01-Article ID:���2009-Aug-01
Written by:��Beverly Gagliardi,�� ACP, MBA,�MSN, CN, Florida Supreme Court Family Law Mediator��
������ That is a very good question especially in these times of economic crisis.� Thanks to the Florida Supreme Court the answer is quite simply NO. You may have your divorce documents prepared by a nonlawyer, thus you would be� representing yourself as a �pro se litigant.� Sometimes you may hear people�refer to divorce nonlawyers as divorce paralegals.� The terms are not interchangeable because of the way The Florida Bar defines a paralegal.� However, most�people�refer to�a legal helper�for members of the public as a paralegal instead of� a "nonlawyer".��
�������� Now, back to your question.� Lawyers are expensive and can only represent one party.� You do not need to hire a lawyer for divorce proceedings. �An alternative� to hiring an attorney is hiring a "nonlawyer."� Typically, he or she will be able to assist you with these routine documents for a fraction of the cost.� So just�call your local nonlawyer for routine contested or noncontested divorces in the State of Florida.� He/she may also be a Certified Paralegal�who is certfied �by a national organization.� Just ask for credential verification.
������� And finally, the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission have published multiple documents in support of giving people choices for legal services.� For more information visit www.afloridaparalegal.com� and read words with Bev for more detailed information regarding these published documents.
NOTE:�� This article is�intended to help you help yourself and save money in the process. Beverly Gagliardi is the President of Wisdom Consulting, Inc. Accent on Paralegal and Nonlawyers Services�with offices located in Central Florida (Orlando, Lake Mary and Sanford, Florida).� She may be contacted at 407/324-5885 or��Clomid cost online or Can i buy clomid over the counter in australia.� Her next article will be "DO I NEED A LAWYER TO FILE BANKRUPTCY?"
02-Article ID:���2009-OCT-03
Written by:��Beverly Gagliardi,�� ACP, MBA,�MSN, CN, Florida Supreme Court Family Law Mediator��
��������� That is a very good question.� Just like divorce, filing for bankruptcy does NOT require hiring a lawyer and paying their high fees.� You can represent yourself as a pro se litigant.
����� According to the United States Bankruptcy Code a nonlawyer document preparer may� assist you in preparing� the documents.� Each nonlawyer professional, sometimes referred to as a "paralegal" may prepare the documents and explain the procedures without giving any legal advice.�� He or she will assist you as a pro se (self-represented) litigant.�� The numbers of pages generally prepared are in a range of 42-50 pages according to your individualized case.� The cost of utilizing the professional services of a nonlawyer, of course, is significantly less than an attorney (lawyer) fee.� Keep in mind that your nonlawyer is required to disclose the fee charged to the Bankruptcy Court.
������ If you are seeking bankruptcy, a� pre-filing and post-filing course is required.� Debthelpers.com has successfully assisted� my customers with ease either on the phone or via the internet in English and Spanish.� My customers have been very satisfied and found the experience very helpful.� Also, the certificates are delivered� quickly to my clients and me making the process stress-free.� If you are interested, Florida based company,� Debthelpers.com can be contacted via the internet at Debthelpers.com or by calling 800-920-0226.�
��������Therefore,� think about your significantly low cost option for preparing your bankruptcy documents, call your local nonlawyer� ("paralegal") or feel free to contact me at [email protected]� The documents are Federal documents so they are the same for each state.� Keep in mind that each court may have some other unique required submissions, so please check with your nonlawyer or court before filing.��
Thank you for reading this article.� Please go to� www.afloridaparalegal.com to learn more about other services you may need.�
Good Luck with your legal matter.�� Bev
NOTE:�� This article is�intended to help you help yourself and save money in the process. Beverly Gagliardi is the President of Wisdom Consulting, Inc. Accent on Paralegal and Nonlawyers Services�with offices located in Central Florida (Orlando, Lake Mary� and Sanford Florida).� She may be contacted at 407/324-5885 or��Clomid 50 mg for sale or Where to buy nolvadex and clomid uk.� Her next article will be "DO I NEED A LAWYER TO MODIFY CHILD SUPPORT?"
03-Article ID:���2009-Nov-01
Written by:��Beverly Gagliardi,�� ACP, MBA,�MSN, CN, Florida Supreme Court Family Law Mediator��
That is a very good question especially in these times of economic crisis.�Thanks to the Florida Supreme Court the answer is quite simply NO. You may have your�MODIFICATION documents prepared by a nonlawyer, thus you would be� representing yourself as a �pro se litigant.� Sometimes you may hear people�refer to� nonlawyers as� "paralegals".� The terms are not interchangeable because of the way The Florida Bar defines a paralegal.� However, most�people�refer to�a legal helper�for members of the public as a paralegal instead of� a "nonlawyer".��
Now, back to your question.� Lawyers are expensive and can only represent one party.� You do not need to hire a lawyer for MODIFICATION OF CHILD SUPPORT. �An alternative� to hiring an attorney is hiring a "nonlawyer."��Sometimes the modification can also be prepared so that both of you sign eliminating the need to serve the other party.��
You will need to tell your nonlawyer what was the significant change in circumstances to�support your request and why it would be in the best interest of the child(ren).���Typically, your nonlawyer professional will be able to assist you with these routine documents for a fraction of the cost.� So just�call your local nonlawyer for routine modification�of child support request�in the State of Florida.� He/she may also be a Certified Paralegal�who is certfied �by a national organization.� Just ask for credential verification.
Thank you for reading this article.� Please go to� www.afloridaparalegal.com to learn more about other services you may need.�
Good Luck with your legal matter.�� Bev
NOTE:�� This article is�intended to help you help yourself and save money in the process. Beverly Gagliardi is the President of Wisdom Consulting, Inc. Accent on Paralegal and Nonlawyers Services�with offices located in Central Florida (Orlando, Lake Mary� and Sanford Florida).� She may be contacted at 407/324-5885 or��Buying clomid pills or Clomid buy usa.� Her next article will be "DO I NEED A LAWYER TO FILE A PROBATE� ACTION WITH OR WITHOUT A LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT?
04-Article ID:���2009-Dec-06
Written by:��Beverly Gagliardi,�� ACP, MBA,�MSN, CN, Florida Supreme Court Family Law Mediator��
Probate actions are either in the form of Summary Administration or Formal Administration.� It is a complicated area to proceed pro se or self-representation.� There are times when a nonlawyer� can assist you.
The preparation is very detailed and specific requiring some advanced training by the nonlawyer.� And finally, yes you can file a probate action with or without will after the passing of a loved one.
Thank you for reading this article.� Please go to� www.afloridaparalegal.com to learn more about other services you may need.�
Good Luck with your legal matter.�� Bev
This article is�intended to help you help yourself and save money in
the process. Beverly Gagliardi is the President of Wisdom Consulting,
Inc. Accent on Paralegal and Nonlawyers Services�with offices located
in Central Florida (Orlando, Lake Mary� and Sanford Florida).� She may
be contacted at 407/324-5885 or��bev@afloridaparalegal or [email protected].� Her next article will be "DO I NEED A LAWYER TO FILE A NAME CHANGE ACTION?